We Salute Our Indian Army- Ewen Realtors

We Salute Our Indian Army

“Either Indian Army come back hosting the Tri-colour or wrapped in it”

We salute the courageous soldiers who jeopardize and sacrifice their lives to keep us safe. Far from home and family and friends, Indian Army legends give up their lives so that the nation can sleep in harmony. 

The bravery and passion of our soldiers are grandiose. Legends who sacrificed their lives and made our hearts well up and our chests swell with pride.

The Indian Army is one of the world’s foremost military units, facing competition with global powers such as the United States, Russia, and China. 

The Indian Army’s tagline is “server before self,” and its goal is to ensure national security and harmony.

They safeguard the country from external attacks and domestic threats and preserve peace and prosperity within its borders. 

Why 15 January Is Honored As Indian Army Day? 

indian army

The Army of India was officially set up on 1 April 1895 under the British regime.

Field Marshal KM Cariappa was the first Indian commander-in-chief to take over the post from General Francis Butcher, the last British commander-in-chief of India, on 15 January 1949.

This Day monumentalizes not only our brave and noble soldiers but also the transfer of power from British to India.

Field Marshal Cariappa was the Indian Army’s first 5-star officer. He coined the expression “Jai Hind.”   

Significance Of The Day

army day parade

Indian Army Day is a day to honor the brave warriors who have sacrificed their lives to safeguard the country and its people. 

On this day, We praise and honor the courage and strength of the soldiers and gratitude them for their selfless devotion.

India honored the 74th Indian Army Day in New Delhi, whereas celebrations take place across the country. 

The Army Day parade took place at Cariappa Parade Ground in Delhi military camp. Many medals are handover today to honor our soldiers’ bravery.

The parade also portrays all of the armaments in the Indian Armory. The most ensuing weapons, drones, helicopters, and so on loudly and proudly. 

In 2020, Captain Taniya Shergill became the first female officer to lead an Army Day parade,

In 2022, General Manoj Mukund Naravane made the ceremonial salute.

Ewen Realtors Salute Our soldiers on Indian army day

tri-color Indian flag

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it

Ranikhet is widely popular for the Kumaon Regiment of Uttarakhand. The establishment of the nerve center by Britishers was in 1869. 

The regiment dates back to the 18th century and has been in every massive campaign of the British including both world wars 1 as well as world war 2.

Ewen Realtors’ township is under construction for the elite class near Ranikhet so that our elite class can spend their precious time in nature’s essence. 

Ewen Realtors salute our Indian Army and in fact, offer 5% LIFETIME OFF as a gesture to our brave soldiers.

Know more about Ewen Realtors’ township



We sleep in peace, we walk in peace, and we live in peace because of the soldiers guiding the nation’s borders.

Lieutenant General KM Cariappa took over as the first Commander-in-Chief on 15 January 1949 from the last British Commander-in-Chief. So this day is popular as Indian Army Day.

In 2022, India celebrated its 74th Army Day in New Delhi. Every year they hosted a parade to pay tribute to all the brave soldiers. 

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